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Achieve your brand's goals and reach your target audience by partnering with a leader in fitness and health

  • Fitness/nutrition/recovery expert

  • Brand ambassador

  • Health & wellness speaker

  • Gym design consultation

  • Product/service market advisor

  • Target market intel

  • Appearances at events/trade shows

  • Testimonials/product reviews

  • Advisory board

  • Content development

  • Publication collaboration

  • Training program creation

  • Career consultation


We provide value to your brand by collaborating on content and promotional initiatives while helping you identify and reach your target audience.


Expertise, Credibility and Authenticity

Tim has helped brands with aligned training, nutrition and recovery philosophies speak to their target audience using a voice that is respected in the industry. 

We have credibility – Tim has been featured in countless national publications and works with one of the largest brands in sports. His authentic voice and evidence backed messaging has cemented him as a validated thought leader in training, nutrition and recovery..



The Value We Provide

When your audience sees an expert speaking on behalf of your brand they will listen in a noisy world of marketing and brand development. You will earn the sales and views by developing compelling, informative and actionable content together with us.

If you are seeking to reach an informed, thoughtful, and passionate fitness community, Tim can help you put your message into a voice that they have come to trust.

Lets create the right content together to represent your brand and earn the trust and connection with your audience!

Lets Talk Today!